

Review the pledge to join the party, never forget the original mission and strive to be an excellent Party member,meeting to celebrate the 99th anniversary of the founding of the CPC and the commendat

2020-11-09 13:29:08 青岛凯发一触即发环球

Do not forget the original intention and follow the party

        In order to celebrate the 99th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, to consolidate the education of not forgetting the original intention and bearing in mind the mission theme, and to constantly improve the sense of mission and responsibility of the party members and staff, the Committee of the CPC Hicorp Group Co., Ltd. held a meeting to celebrate the 99th anniversary of the founding of the CPC and the commendation meeting for outstanding Party members in 2020 in conference room 500 in the afternoon of July 1. The meeting was presided over by Chai Li. Director of the head office. Yin Yuwu, member of the Party committee of the group, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and deputy general manager of the group, attended it. 43 representatives of party members and activists who want to enroll the party from the Party branch attended the meeting.

        First of all, with all the members standing up, the assembly began with the solemn sound of the national anthem. Under the leadership of Comrade Yin Yuwu, all the party members raising their right hands in the face of the party flag, review the oath of joining the party.

Hicorp Machinery (Qingdao)Co.,Ltd.

        Then,Yin Yuwu announced the "decision of the Communist Party of China to recognize the outstanding Party members in the year of 2020" by the CPC Hicorp Group Co., Ltd., and awarded honorary certificates to 12 outstanding Party members from various party branches, and watched the theme lecture video with all the participants.

        After the meeting, Yin summarized the work of the Party committee in the first half of the year by pointing out that since the outbreak of the epidemic, the majority of Party members and cadres of the company have upheld responsibilities and performed their duties, giving full play to the role of "fighting fortress". At present, the achievements in prevention and control and development have not come easily. We should cherish them better. We should keep in mind of original intention and mission of the Communist Party members and the original intention and mission of Hicorp people. At the same time, I would like to congratulate the 12 Party members who have won the honorary title of "excellent party members". I hope they will continues play the vanguard and exemplary role of excellent party members in their work, never forget original intention and work hard.

Hicorp Machinery (Qingdao)Co.,Ltd.

        This conference is not only a full affirmation of the positive contributions made by these excellent party members in their work, but also encourages everyone continues to play the advanced nature of Party members, to lead and inspire other workers to catch up with the advanced, to strive for advanced and to exceed them, and lay a solid foundation for the smooth development of all branches in the next stage.

Hicorp Machinery (Qingdao)Co.,Ltd.

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